
The largest light bulb factory in Egypt

The Egyptian Saudi Factory is considered one of The largest saving bulb factories in Egypt and the Middle East All of the factory’s production lines were imported from abroad and it relies entirely on all modern technologies used in the manufacturing process.

لمبات موفرة 2022

The factory aims to produce a huge quantity of energy saving bulbs at competitive prices and high quality to meet all the needs of the local market.

Why do you deal with the Egyptian Saudi Factory?

Egyptian Saudi Factory The best energy saving bulbs factory in Egypt provides for all His clients:

Energy saving bulbs have a long life and high electrical efficiency, which is twice that of ordinary bulbs.

The main component of the Egyptian Saudi factory bulbs is the main reason for saving energy, as there is no increase in temperature and thus no loss of energy occurs.

Bulbs save on bills. Egyptian-Saudi factory bulbs do not require maintenance.

Powered bulbs

Powerful bulbs

Bulbs Egyptian Saudi Factory give all the benefits of old bulbs and even more, because they give greater light and conserve electrical energy, thus lowering the cost and preserving the environment.

The products of the Egyptian Saudi Factory are all characterized by a significantly longer lifespan compared to ordinary lamps or

Features of energy saving bulbs

The saving bulbs provided by the Egyptian Saudi Factory are distinguished by their high luminous efficiency, as they provide the greatest amount of lighting with the least amount of consumption. It saves approximately 70% more electrical energy than regular bulbs.

This is due to its high ability to convert electrical power into light energy with very high efficiency without any thermal or radiation loss.

The largest saving bulb factories in Egypt

The largest saving bulb factories in Egypt

Energy saving bulbs are distinguished by their long lifespan, as they are 10 to 20 times longer than regular bulbs, such as halogen bulbs, for example, and other incandescent bulbs, as well as mercury and compact fluorescent energy saving bulbs. This eliminates the need for maintenance or frequent replacement of bulbs.

It is considered Safe bulbs are very healthy; Because it does not emit any harmful rays such as ultraviolet and infrared rays. Therefore, energy saving bulbs are classified as environmentally friendly bulbs.

Efficient bulb lighting does not have any jitter at low frequency, which makes it It is best in terms of eye comfort, and the reason for this is that it works with direct current (DC), whose frequency reaches infinity, which makes the lighting of the bulbs continuous and constant.

Contrary to what happens in the old traditional types of bulbs that operate with AC current, which operates at a low frequency, which directly affects the eyes.

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